Le Sibille and the innovative Instagram concept
0 commentsWorld, March 2021 – Just as in the past the ancient Sibyls prophetesses revealed the future to those who listened to their response, so Le Sibille (Camilla Bronzini, Francesca Neri Serneri and Antonella Perugini) every week share a revealing message with their community, composed of jewelry, art and culture lovers from all over the world, through the Instagram channel @lesibille. The unmissable appointment is every Monday at 6pm CET. The Instagram concept was born from the collaboration with Laura Inghirami, young consultant and opinion leader of jewelry excellence as well as Founder of Donna Jewel, with the aim to involve the young in the universe of Le Sibille. In fact, Le Sibille has always been a reality that combines tradition and innovation being open to confrontation with the new generations. Francesca Neri Serneri, Creative Director Le Sibille, declares: “By posting their message once a week, Le Sibille intend to communicate to the world and the new generations the profound and universal meaning of jewelry, which goes beyond religious, political and gender divisions. We want to connect the past and the present, through an innovative vision that is linked to tradition at the same time. The jewel becomes a bridge and a symbol of union and sharing without geographical, political, temporal limits.”